Product video of the intelligent industrial weighing solution

Content production | Video script | Video marketing | Video production and editing

Tamtron is an innovative manufacturer of scales and weighing data management systems.

Together with Tamtron’s marketing and sales team, we set out to break down how the One Scalex truck scale software specifically makes it easier and transforms the end customers’ business.

This core story about the service gave birth to a video script. We had the opportunity to film the video at a customer’s location using Tamtron’s service.

Case Tamtron: Main target stage on the end customer’s buying journey

The benefits of the service, condensed into a corporate video that tells about different user groups, primarily serve the needs of Tamtron’s sales. The video also raises awareness about the new service.

The core story of the product video revolves around the value created for customers. The value and benefits of the service were condensed into a sales-oriented story.

“This was our first video production with Atomi, so in the beginning, we needed to spend enough time to understand Atomi’s ways of working and for Atomi to understand our business. Atomi handled the preparation work, including the script, extremely well, which was rewarded with excellent execution and results. The video production met all the requirements and expectations on schedule and within budget. Excellent collaboration!”

Markus Ritala

Sales and Marketing Manager, Tamtron

Case | ACTIW

Strategic brand message and sales-supporting website

Workshops | Branding | Design | Website | Content production

Actiw produces automated loading equipment, solutions, and services that improve the productivity and safety of industrial loading.

The new management and revamped leadership team of Actiw wanted to update the company’s brand, messaging, and website to support growth and align with their new strategy.

According to Actiw’s new CEO, the Actiw website and sales messages and materials no longer corresponded with their vision. After a bidding process, Actiw chose Atomi’s experts as their partner for updating the brand.

Case Actiw: Main target stage of the end-customer purchase funnel

Actiw’s new value proposition is built together. This gives sales a new kind of main story that supports strategic goals and that the company’s employees can identify with. The same story is also repeated in sales messages across various channels.

The main messages and value proposition of the website were narrativized in joint workshops using the Atomi CoreStory™ service. The company’s management team and salespeople were involved in the workshops.

The goal was to uncover the most important values provided to end customers. Based on the workshops and defined customer values, Atomi’s experts formulated and condensed the value propositions of the company and its services. The website’s text content was also written based on the same values.

The visual identity of the company remained largely unchanged. The three arrows in the logo took on a new meaning. Actiw solves, optimizes, and automates the customer’s internal logistics challenges – Solve. Optimize. Automate.

“When we work together, we always bring out the best in things.” (shared to Atomi on LinkedIn)

Tomi Korhonen

Managing Director at ACTIW Intralogistics

Case | OUMAN

A marketing concept for international growth

Workshops | Strategic sales messages | 3D animation

Ouman is the largest manufacturer of HVAC controllers in the Nordic countries, producing 1.4 million products annually. The company has grown from a Finnish controller manufacturer to an international building automation expert. HVAC controllers and related remote technology and cloud services enable improved energy efficiency in buildings.

With Ouman expanding into new markets, the company wanted to redefine and target its main message towards international markets. What are the most significant factors and criteria for competitiveness that appeal to the target audience? What kind of concept could communicate Ouman to new markets?

Case Ouman: Main target stage of the end-customer purchase funnel

The new sales message and its sales-oriented emphasis are currently used to support international sales efforts. The success of the sales message supporting sales relies on the organization’s commitment to the new message, which is why the entire management team was involved in the message development process from an early stage.

Ouman’s key target groups were refined as part of the work done with Atomi. This was based on a recent market research study that analyzed Ouman’s competitive and market situation in relation to its main competitors.

An important factor behind the work was also a major megatrend: sustainable development. Regulating and automating energy consumption in buildings enables fossil-free buildings in the future.

Atomi helped Ouman to sharpen its competitive advantage for its new markets.

The essence of the concretizer offered by Ouman is 3D video animated by Atomi which shows Ouman products as part of the building’s ecosystem. The video can naturally be utilized in other channels too.

“Ouman continues to grow, with a 16.3% increase in revenue in 2021 after three years of negative growth.”

Case | PINJA

Product video helps complex B2B sales

Story and script | Video production and editing | VFX and animation

Pinja is an expert group in industrial renewal and digitalization. Pinja’s Novi system is an intelligent and mobile maintenance system based on proactive maintenance.

Complex sales require a product video for support. A video creates awareness of the key benefits of the product.

Video production can sometimes pose challenges if filming on customer premises is impossible. In such cases, the focus should be on the most important aspect – the appeal of the video content to different user groups of the product.

Case Pinja: Main target stage of the end-customer purchase funnel

We departed with Pinja’s marketing and product management to break down how the Novi system concretely helps and changes the daily work of its different users. This work brought forth varying values for different users.

The core story of the product video focuses on the value discovered for different user groups. The new video showcases the found value through different personas using the system.

It is not always possible to capture footage of end-users in their daily lives, so visual material was exeptionally sourced from stock video libraries. These raw materials were then combined and animated to showcase various perspectives and user experiences of the Novi operating system. This brought the Novi system’s usage to life across multiple scenarios.

“A huge thank you to the Atomi team for the great video and smooth collaboration!”

– Pinja Group, on LinkedIn.


Design and storytelling for sustainable marketing

Concept design | Video script | Design | Video production | VFX and animation

Konecranes is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of lifting equipment, with customers including the machinery and process industries, shipyards, ports, and terminals. The company provides customers with efficiency-enhancing lifting solutions and maintenance services for all crane brands.

Konecranes’ industrial cranes transparently disclose the actions and choices that increase their carbon footprint throughout the entire life cycle of their products.

Sustainable choices are not just about climate action. As per their strategy, Konecranes has successfully extended and streamlined the life cycle of their equipment. These choices help to increase both their customers’ and their own carbon footprint in a concrete way, while reducing their own carbon footprint.

Reducing carbon footprint refers to the positive environmental impact that products or services bring to customers and their customers. Therefore, sustainable choices produce concrete benefits for customers’ business operations.

Case Konecranes: Main target stage of the end-customer purchase funnel

Konecranes industrial cranes now have a sustainability cover story and visualization that can be utilized in both internal and external communication. Sustainable solutions from companies will have an increasingly important role in the near future, not just as strategic goals.

Summarizing the climate impacts of various stages of crane product lifecycles into one concise story is not a simple task. The video’s storyline was constructed together such that each stage of the lifecycle had its own little story. This way, even a fairly long video remains engaging.

To present the lifecycle of Konecranes industrial cranes, a dedicated circular visualization was created, reminiscent of the circular economy. The visualization highlights all the steps in the crane’s lifecycle.

“It was great to see how we managed to create a tight package of how sustainable development is reflected in our company’s work – in crane design, raw material selection, production – in the end products and at the customer’s end in crane use and maintenance.”

Laura Tamminen

Industrial Cranes Marketing Head, Konecranes